Monday, September 20, 2010

Sunday, September 12, 2010

curlys birrrsadawg.

so my bestest friend around was born today. but not really today, nineteen years ago today. and I am just so excited that its her birthday and I thought what better way to celebrate, then with a photo montage(who knows if I am spelling that right).. I could say so many things about sammi, and we have SO many stories and jokes but I have a certain amount of characters that this puppy can hold, and I feel like I could just write for dayz. all in all, we are the same person and laugh at anything and everything, and thats the way uh-huh uh-huh i like it (jim carrey voice.) side note: did i mention we LOVE (sammi moreso) to quote movies. . anything jim carrey really.. welp anyways these are just some snap shots of our friendship. LOVE YOU GIRL, and you really are da bestest. so blessed to have you in my lyfe!

little lion man.

Friday, September 10, 2010

he wants to be me.

so my dearest older brother is traveling the world without me (rude) and he is just living it up in Morocco as we speak. He rode a camel which is one of the coolest things i think. (side note: i lost in the second round of my third grade spelling bee because i didnt know how to spell camel, i thought it had two m's or two l's...tricky stuff) anyways I am so jealous of how many items he is checking off his bucket list on this trip, but I am SO happy for him and all his experiences.. I will probs blog more about his adventures but I just wanted to note this one thing.. he wants to be me! exhibit A:


and then there's this guy, trying to look like me..

i guess he just really misses me? LOVE YOU ty. be safe and take pictures like its your job.

Thursday, September 9, 2010

i love you; mitchell davis

so mrs. chanandler bong already put this on her blog, but i just couldn't resist. mitchel davis always brightens my day and he is just the best. this is a new video that i have not seen before, and when i watched it instantly went into my top 5 favorite MD videos.. hope you like it too. maybs send it to your special lovahhh.

gal pals.

these girls are my rock. love them to pieces and have never laughed so much as i do when we are together. missing them big time. but so proud of what we are all doing with our lives. thank you for everything you do for me, and for just being stinkin' blessed by you three. gpals fo lyfe.

"As iron sharpens iron, so a friend sharpens a friend".
-proverbs 27:17

brief is life, but love is long.

Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Wednesday, September 1, 2010

september first.

so I can NOT believe it is already September, that just blows my mind. But in a way a like it, but in ways I don't. I like it because fall is my all time favorite season, and i just LOVE September-November. September means that everything will start changing yellow and orange and get all pretty which I love (but if we are being real, I'm in San Diego so the weather isn't changing at all, but I'm just going to pretend). plus, it is when pumpkin patches are open, and those are always so much fun. (shout out to apple hill, one of my favorite places) Also, I love September because that means it's almost October which means it's almost my BIRTHDAY. and who doesn't love birthdays? I sure do. But as I wrote September first on my homework today, it was just weird because I can't believe that it's already here. welp, here is to a great fall and a great next couple of months! (hopefully it doesn't go by TOO fast)

see what I mean?

ten favorites.

stole this little list from another blog I follow, and I thought why not procrastinate on homework by writing down all of my favorite things. ha!

10 favorite______.
favorite hobby-laughing

favorite tv show- friends

favorite restaurant food- sushi

favorite thing to shop for-shoes! (clothes in general)

favorite animal-giraffe

favorite song- trick question. too many!

favorite word- TOO many, but oddly enough, i probably have more least favorite words than actual favorite words. weird.

recent favorite youtube video- the ukulele playing asian boy. so stinkin' cute

favorite movie-of all time- I am sam/little mermaid

favorite currently- couldn't say.

favorite childhood memory- adventures with tyler.

so now that you know this about me, it's like we are now friends. perfect!

hope you can handle this..