Sunday, October 31, 2010

Thursday, October 28, 2010

obviously the best video.

this week.

songs to listen to this week. I HIGHLY recommend them, that is. (in no particularly order, I'm in love with them all). and they are all circulating my itunes most played playlist these days..

1. Home- Edward Sharpe & the Magnetic Zeros
2. Dog Days are Over- Florance and the Machines
3. the entire NEW tswift album
4. honey, let me sing you a song- Matt Hires
5.sleeping sickness- City and Colour
6.sunset room-two loons for tea
7.keep breathing/parachute-ingrid michealson
8.dancing in the minefeilds- andrew peterson
9. awake my soul-mumford and sons
10.the end- kings of leon

check these out!

it's kind of a funny story.

go see this movie. or read the book, but mainly watch the movie. you'll love it.


“I guess we are who we are for a lot of reasons. And maybe we’ll never know most of them. But even if we don’t have the power to choose where we come from, we can still choose where we go from there. We can still do things. And we can try to feel okay about them.”

-from the book The Perks of Being a Wallflower.

grabbin' life by the horns.

checking things off of my life list, one day at a time. this past weekend:
#23. Ride a mechanical bull: CHECK


OH TEXAS.. how i love you. a view weekends ago I went to that great state and have a much needed break from school and a much needed catch-up time with the people that live there. basically, i just had a wonderful time, clearly. We were always on the go, and I loved it. Here are a few things that I took from the trip.

1. Austin, TX is not like all of texas. it pretty much defies all stereotypes of texas.
2. There are no seat covers in any of the bathrooms in texas, gross.
3.I was in love with the resturant names, ie. pluckers, mighty fines, hula hut.
4. Danielle is the worlds BEST tour guide, she should work at disneyland ;)
5. creamed corn is better then it looks. a LOT better.
6. Downtown at night, is probably why they have shirts that say "keep austin weird"
7.Danielle should also be an interior designer. really though.
8. Everyone in texas looks good in burnt orange. (SO much UT pride).
9. the schools are beautiful, and in door, and I want to go to them.
10. Summit Church is stinkin' adorable and I am so exited about all the things that are going on there!
11. Saying ma'am and ya'll are so adorable, and i wish more people here in california said it.
12. When I told people I was from California, the usual response was, "I'm sorry".
13. I really wanted to see an armadillo in the wild, but sadly it never happened.
14. i love queso. and matt hires.
15. I CANT WAIT to go back :)

welp, I really did have the best time on this trip and so THANK YOU danielle.

la familia.

just wanted to take a quick second to recognize the people in my life whom which keep me going everyday. my head would literally fall off without chillin' pop, lynnifer, and tylur. (which is probs a bit sad, but oh well). love you all to pieces (which is also a bit of a weird phrase), and i just wanted to give you your own special place on my blog. and i just want you ALL to remember.. I'm still the funny one.

Friday, October 15, 2010

matt hires

In honor of seeing matt hires tonight, I just wanted to post one of my favorite songs by him. Thanks danielle for showing me his lovely voice, and I cant wait for the concert tonight! enjoy :)

Tuesday, October 12, 2010

c.s. lewis

saw this on franckie's tumblr and loved it!

Wednesday, October 6, 2010

On The Radio.

This is how it works
You're young until you're not.
You love until you don't.
You try until you can't.
You laugh until you cry.
You cry until you laugh.

No, this is how it works
You peer inside yourself
You take the things you like
And try to love the things you took
And then you take that love you made
And stick it into someone else's heart.

Regina Spektor.

Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Let us be grateful to people who make us happy;
They are the charming gardeners who make our souls blossom.
(Thank You).

-Marcel Proust

Friday, October 1, 2010


so I'm getting this feeling, a thought that I never really thought of. people have pointed it out, but I just never really listened. you live your whole life thinking your favorite color is yellow, and BAM everything you own is red. it's the weirdest thing. I never really thought myself to be a lover of the color red. I thought it was to severe and blood-like. but no, i love it. here are examples why:

all things that I can see from my bed right now that are red:
1. bed spread (its a quilt but mostly red)
2.picture frames case
4.lamp straightener
6.make-up bag
7.decorative flowers
8. phone
9. food journal
10. nalgene water bottle

see what I'm saying.. red galore. who knew? not me, that's for sure.
I still believe that my true favorite color is yellow, but data doesn't lie.
so, let's just say red is a close second.

ps. maybs I'll put a picture up later, so you can get the full effect of my red room.
p.p.s. I wonder what it means, me having so much red around.. i'll probably google it.
Just tea for two
And two for tea.
Just me for you
And you for me.

wishful thinking.

Tree House:

A tree house, a free house,
A secret you and me house,
A high up in the leafy branches
Cozy as can be house.

A street house, a neat house,
Be sure and wipe your feet house
Is not my kind of house at all--
Let's go live in a tree house.

-Shel Silverstein