Sunday, November 20, 2011

Hey Chill'n Pop,

Happy Monday,
guess what..


get ready!

Thursday, October 27, 2011

Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Monday, September 19, 2011

love you dad.

Friday, August 26, 2011

oh the past few days..

Sitting on a greyhound while I write this is not exactly how I thought I would be spending my Thursday afternoon, but that’s just where the day took me. These past few days have been the most emotionally stressful and emotional awesome days of summer. Driving back down to school and moving into my apartment was a blur because it all happened in one day and then I was off doing the next thing on my to-do list. I appreciate my parents so much for taking three days out of their schedules to drive 8 hours and move me back into my apartment. However, on Wednesday the events took a turn for the worst when I realized (the morning after) that good old’ forgetful Tori LEFT her purse at restaurant that we ate dinner at the night before. Who just up and walks out without all of their belongings? This girl. And boy if I could take it back, you know I would but that is just one of those dreaded “life lessons”…or so my dad says. And so that turned my day around real quick. The only problem (HA only problem, I wish) was that I was suppose to leave for LA that morning at 6 in order to meet my dear friend Danielle so that we could beee bop around LA for the afternoon and then see the best concert that night. And so in an act of impulsiveness and pure overwhelmingness (is that a word?) I got into the car and drove to LA, and continued to call the restaurant in hopes that a nice person turned my purse in. whelp, apparently san Diego is short on nice people these days because no body turned it in. I had high hopes because this was a classy place and you would think that someone would have given it to a lost and found, but no. So fast forward about 14 calls to the retardant and few hours later, and I am now in LA with Danielle and ready to see her new place and explore the city a bit.
She takes me around to some of her favorite hot spots, and she is a great tour guide as always and so we saw a lot of stuff in just one afternoon. It was funny because I have lived in California my whole life but have never really SEEN Hollywood, except for in movies. We drove through Beverly Hills and West Hollywood and went to the grove and Kodak theater and Jew town and everywhere in between and I was so star struck (even though I didn’t actually see any celebrities). And so the afternoon was great and it was so nice to just be with Danielle and catch up and laugh with her.
The main attraction of my visit was to see the one and only Taylor swift, and needtobreathe live in concert. And so we shuffled on over to the staples center, which was SO cool and filled with famous facts, and Taylor fippin’ rocked. I mean she must have had 10 outfit changes and the set was awesome and kept changing and it was just a really entertaining show! Needtobreathe was really great live as well, although they didn’t play all the songs that I had hoped, I still really enjoyed them and was so glad they were the opener. Another exciting part about the concert was that Jason Mraz made a guest appearance and sang with Taylor, which was totally unexpected. AND Kris Jenner, Kendall and Kylie khardasion AND Emma stone were all at the concert and we were able to see them on the big screen which was like we met them in person, right? Needless to say, the show was so great and Taylor sounded great and me and all the other 12-year-old girls in the greater LA were very satisfied with how we spent out Wednesday night.
Now flash forward to this morning when I am planned to head back down to San Diego. We go to the train station because there is a train that left in about an hour that I could catch.. We wait in a long line and get to the counter only to find out that by law you can not buy a train ticket without an ID…. oh wait I don’t have a single thing that indentifies me in my possesion.. cool. SO before I could have a complete panic attack because I was still just so upset that I forgot my purse (which by the way was a new purse given to me by my grandma, sorry Goo), we think of a plan B. what transportation in downtown La can I take that doesn’t require an ID? Oh yes, the ever so classy and non jenky greyhound bus system. So now, departing an hour behind schedule, I am on a bus to SD where I will be taking a LONG nap and trying to forget that there is someone around wearing my sunglasses, listening to my ipod, and using my itunes giftcard that was in my wallet. But lets just hope I can get to the nap because as of right now, this bus has about 5 stops before it gets to san diego, one of those being Compton. Its going to be a long afternoon but I just had to share all of that because I am just exhausted re-typing it. Also, this bus is an icebox and I am currently -14 degrees.. just as an update.

Tuesday, August 16, 2011

"Let the songs I sing
Bring joy to you
Let the words I say profess my love
Let the notes I choose
Be your favorite tune
Father let my heart be after you".

-Garden, NeedtoBreathe

Monday, July 18, 2011

here is what I know..

I know that whenever I call my dad he will always answer by saying "hey beautiful". I also know he will always answer.
I know that I want to work with kids forever.
I know that things of this world are temporary.
I know that for me its much easier to laugh then to cry.
I know that change is my greatest weakness.
I know that things rarely go the way I plan.
I know that my brother is a wonderful-yet-complete-opposite version of me.
I know that I can not store my treasures here on Earth.
I know that there is not a smile that I don't love.
I know that I love to write hand written letters.
I know that I have been saved.
I know that I can't sing.
I know that no matter what,when I wake up my hair will make me unrecognizable because its so crazy,its a part of my charm?
I knwo that I must decrease so that He can increase.
I know that I always want to know what other people call their grandparents, its hard to beat Goo and Popsicle.
I know that hands are meant to hold.
I know that my mom is beautiful.
I know that going spain for five months changed my life.

but out of all these things, what I know for sure is that I don't know much at all. sometimes I feel like I know things, and then life has its way of showing me that things are not what I thought they were and the things that I thought I "knew" I infact don't know at all. its a humbling realization; but somethings are for certain and everything else just has to happen.

Saturday, June 25, 2011


How to be a 20-Something
Be really attractive. Your acne is gone, your face has matured without having wrinkles and everything on your body is lifted naturally. Eat bagels seven days a week, binge-drink and do drugs: you’ll still look like a babe. When you turn thirty, it’ll become a different story but that’s, like, not for a really long time.

Reestablish a relationship with your parents. You don’t live with them anymore (hopefully) so start to appreciate them as human beings with thoughts, flaws and feelings rather than soulless life ruiners who won’t let you borrow their car.

Go from eating delicious food at your parents’ house to eating Ragu tomato sauce over Barilla noodles. Develop an eating disorder to save money.

Move into an apartment on the corner of Overpriced and Dangerous. Sleep on a bare mattress with an Ikea comforter. Your mother talks to you about buying a top sheet and a duvet cover but feel like you’re not mature enough to own something called “duvet.”

“Date people who you know you’ll never be able to love.”
Read the New York Times piece, “What Is It About 20-Somethings?” Feel exposed and humiliated. Share it on your Facebook with the caption: “Um….” Your friends will comment “Too real” and that will be the end of that.

Work at a coffee shop but feel hopeful about your career in advertising, writing, whatever. Remember that you’re young and that the world is your oyster. Everything is possible, you still have so much to see and hear. You went to a good school and did good things. Figure if you’re not going to be successful, who the hell is?

Date people who you know you'll never be able to love. See someone for three months for no other reason than because it’s winter and you want to keep warm by holding another body. Date a Republican just so you can say you dated a Republican.

Eventually all these nobodies will make you crave a somebody. Have a real relationship with someone. Go on vacations together, exchange house keys, cry in their arms after a demoralizing day at work. Think about marrying them and maybe even get engaged. Regardless of the outcome, feel proud of yourself for being able to love someone in a healthy way.

Start your twenties with a lot of friends and leave with a few good ones. What happened? People faded away into their careers and relationships. Fights were had and never resolved. Shit happens.

Think of yourself at twenty and hanging out with people who didn’t mean a thing to you. Think about writing papers, about being promiscuous, about trying new things. Think of yourself now and your face looking different and your body feeling different and how everything is just different.

Form the habits that will stick with you forever. Drink your coffee with two sugars and skim milk every morning. Buy a magazine every Friday. Enjoy spending money on candles, smoke pot on Saturdays, watch the television before bed.

Move into a bigger apartment on the corner of Mature and Gentrification and finally buy a duvet cover. Limit your drug-use. If you find yourself unable to do so, start to wonder if you have a problem.

Have your parents come to your place for Christmas. Set the table, make the ham, wear a sophisticated outfit, This will all mean so much at the time.

Think about having children when you stop acting like a child. This may not ever happen.

Maybe this is assuming too much. Maybe this is generalizing. Maybe society uses age as an unrealistic marker for growth. Maybe. Still feel the anxiety on your 30th birthday and think to yourself, “Oh shit, I’m no longer a 20-something.”

Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Wednesday, March 30, 2011


friday, I will be in Paris. somebody pinch me, this can't be real!