so I thought I should share with the world wide web the wonderful things that have happened since I have been home. I was totally stoked to come home and have an amazing summer with my friends, but I was going to miss my loma friends too. and I totally do miss them, but the summer has started off to a nice beginning. First off, Brendan came down to SD to pick me up and it was soo nice. We had some lovely adventures and went to lovely petco park and saw the pads/giants game. It was tons of fun and I was so excited that he got to come down. then we had a nice long 7 hour drive home. but the best part about that drive home was the fact that the radio went out while we were driving through the grapevine, so we had a good fourish hours without music. and to make matters worse I am the WORST passenger because I fall asleep in cars so easily, so poor B when just driving along while I was a sleeping baby.oops? but here are some things that happened since Ive been home.
1. when Brendan and I finally got home, I got out of the car but my legs were asleep (almost like noodles) and so I literally fell out of the car. I was laying on my driveway, and it was the worst. and good ol' Brendan laughed and laughed and even fell over himself from laughter. and then he had the nerve to come over and push me down while I was trying to get up. rude. but it was a bit funny.
2. my mom put a welcome home banner on the door and there balloons in the house. she is such a gem.
3. she ALSO made a lovely dinner that was already cooking when I got there so the house smelled awesome, AND she made red velvet cupcakes. that woman is a saint.
4. I was totally exhausted from the drive and so i go up to my room and it was all clean and ready for me. so lovely.
5. my dad is a great man too, because when I looked in the pantry there was a new box of raisin bran just waiting for me. I was SO happy, it was almost sad. plus there were two boxes of pop's in the freezer, so that was awesome. I'm still waiting for the coconut ones though. (cough dad cough cough) haha
6. I got to see my wonderful friends. Not everyone is home yet, but it was so great to see the situation, moobs, hoover and BL. loveee them :) and I am SO excited for everyone else to get home.
7. I got drive my car! I freaking love that thing. it should have a name, and I would name it sundance but thats what i name everything (but lets be real, it is the greatest name ever).
pretty much I am just so stoked to get summer started and to just have endless days on the lake, laying out, jumping off things at the river, and having late nights with friends. it's going to be a good three months :)
ps. good for you joe (BL) if you read this all!