Thursday, May 6, 2010


so here is my newest theory. and I am pretty sure it's legit. like, I don't know why people wouldn't agree. I was going to make a video explaining this, because it is better if I say it in person, but I couldn't get it to work. so here is the deal.. you know Ke$ha, right? of course you do. Tik Tok, blah blah blah and things of that nature. well anyways, I have heard her named pronounced a few different ways. sometimes Kesha (with a shhh sound) and other times its more of a Keeesha (with a long e sound) and I just get confused. How do you really pronounce it? that dollar sign really messes with my mind. Although I had the same trouble with justin bieber (is it pronounced beeeber or biiiber? It's just hard to say)

but here is where my theory comes in. Whose to say that the "$" makes the shhhh sound? I say Ke$ha wants us to pronounce her name CASHA. you know, the dollar sign=cash. ergo, casha. but she just wanted to spell it all cool and hip. but now I think she is like, bust people are pronouncing my name wrong. but its not like she can correct everybody now, she is too far in. But if we asked her, I am sure she would say that the original intent of her name pronunciation was casha. don't you think? I sure do. So now that is what I call her. Ke$ha=CASHA. try it, I'm sure you will like it as much as I do.

she is a classy gal.

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