Monday, July 18, 2011

here is what I know..

I know that whenever I call my dad he will always answer by saying "hey beautiful". I also know he will always answer.
I know that I want to work with kids forever.
I know that things of this world are temporary.
I know that for me its much easier to laugh then to cry.
I know that change is my greatest weakness.
I know that things rarely go the way I plan.
I know that my brother is a wonderful-yet-complete-opposite version of me.
I know that I can not store my treasures here on Earth.
I know that there is not a smile that I don't love.
I know that I love to write hand written letters.
I know that I have been saved.
I know that I can't sing.
I know that no matter what,when I wake up my hair will make me unrecognizable because its so crazy,its a part of my charm?
I knwo that I must decrease so that He can increase.
I know that I always want to know what other people call their grandparents, its hard to beat Goo and Popsicle.
I know that hands are meant to hold.
I know that my mom is beautiful.
I know that going spain for five months changed my life.

but out of all these things, what I know for sure is that I don't know much at all. sometimes I feel like I know things, and then life has its way of showing me that things are not what I thought they were and the things that I thought I "knew" I infact don't know at all. its a humbling realization; but somethings are for certain and everything else just has to happen.

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