your age in five different languages! hm lets see, what was I doing twenty years ago...joke. I was not living, but tyler was. Or I seem to call him, color. (side note: I say my brothers name with a weird accent. I don't really know why, but I pronounce the "er" as a "ur". oh well, he still responds) but anyways, it's Tyler's birthday today! 20 years old, good golly. He is no longer a teen, and that is pretty much all the perks of turning twenty. But I am so stoked that it is his birthday because who doesn't love a good party? and another thing that I love, is the birthday dinner. My grandparents came into town, and it was so great to see them because I hadn't seen them since Christmas. Now Goo (my gma) being the saint that she is, never fails to spread the gifts around. Even though it was Tyler's birthday, she still brought me gifts! it was the greatest thing ever. Three boxes of Girl Scout cookies, and she bought be shoes and just tons of great stuff. I love that woman. Pop is a great man too, now that I am on the subject. I'm pretty sure he is shrinking though, because when we went out to dinner I wore heels and I was taller then him, and that has never happened. It was a bit embarrassing on his part I'd say, but its ok he cant really help it I guess. I told him that the next time I see him he will be small enough to fit in my pocket! but he is still great nonetheless.

1. He laughs at most of all of my jokes, because clearly I am the funny one.
2. I can ask him like any quote and he will know it. (and he usually will make up quotes and be like "whats that from" and it's usually from nothing haha)
3. He is the neatest kid I know (I self diagnosed him with OCD).
4. He can ALWAYS cheer me up, and it's always nice.
5. I can call him anytime, and he will be there in a heartbeat.
6. He is a great gift-giver :)
7. I'm still the funny one, just saying.

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